Friday, January 23, 2015

Sick on 4TH of July

By Robert Darnell

Our plans were to get up real early on the fourth and go to New Braunfels. We were going to stop at Columbus for breakfast at the Main Street Cafe. Eggs, bacon, hot biscuits, coffee, and orange juice -- costs about $1.00 there and it's good.

At New Braunfels we were going to check in at Camp Warnecke and ride the rapids all day. After dinner at Krause's or the Pines Inn we would come on back to Houston that night.

But along about two o'clock Sunday night our plans were changed but we didn't know it at the time. Robert woke up -- he had been feeling out of sorts when he went to bed and then at two o'clock he was really getting sick. His stomach hurt, his head hurt, and he had to go to the bathroom.

Almost exactly the same time Becky woke up sick and vomiting. They both continued this for the rest of the night and Jerre was up all night taking care of them. Monday, Robert tried to go to work but couldn't make it, so stayed in bed all day. Becky did too, so they both just laid there flaked out in the sack. Some time late in the day they ate some jello and chicken noodle soup. Jerre continued to buzz around taking care of things and the doctor prescribed some pills which helped.

Along about sundown Jerre said "Whoops, I think I've got it." And got sick in the bathroom. She plopped in bed and all three slept through the night.

When they woke up on the 4TH Robert and Becky were over their sickness, but feeling weak. Jerre slept all day, until late in the afternoon at which time she felt better and ate some jello and drank some coffee.

Surprisingly now that the sickness is over we feel so rested and refreshed it's unbelievable. So obviously some good came of staying home and resting and relaxing.

Anyway in a short time we are going on up to New Braunfels and spend a weekend riding the rapids.

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