Saturday, January 24, 2015

Christmas Eve Letter to Old Mom

By Robert Darnell  [Date unknown]

Thought you might like to hear about our Christmas Eve.

Our next door neighbor, Richard and Doris Malliet went to Louisiana for Christmas. They asked us to watch their house. They left their key with us, also their phone number in La.

When it got dark Christmas Eve we picked up Sylvia and Alicia and drove around for a couple of hours looking at decorations and lights.

Then at eleven o'clock we went to candlelight services at the Church. It was very pretty and impressive. Everybody enjoyed it very much and really got the old Christmas Spirit.

We got home about twelve-thirty and it was pretty nippy. As we drove up we noticed a white van in the Malliet's driveway which hadn't been there before and since they weren't home it looked pretty suspicious.

We called our block patrol captain and he said to call the police. While waiting for them we all sneaked around out in the yard trying to see if anyone was in the house.

Jerre called Doris Malliet in Louisiana to see if anyone should be over there with a white van, and she said, "No," and was mighty worried. But we told her we would take care of it and let her know what was going on.

Then we decided to go to the house on the other side of them and see if they knew about the van. Sure enough they had visitors and someone had parked the van there, knowing that the Malliet's were out of town.

So that cleared everything up and when the cops finally came everybody wished everybody a Merry Christmas and went home.

So that's all there is to it, Old Mom, Hunter, not much of a story but better than nothing.

Happy New Years.

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