Friday, February 22, 2013

Images on the Internet
by Pat Darnell | Feb 22, 2013 | Bryan TX

For me one of the draws to the Internet is plethora of photo's and pictures... visual junkie that I am. But it is a grey zone when we share them. While TEXT is easily searched, IMAGES require many times more computer memory and power to search.

There are programs that crawl through the Internet looking for "pirated" images, and remove them from peoples' web pages. It has happened more than once to MooPig Wisdom, which has over 8000 pictures in its pages.

Syld, contributing author to MOM2POP, posted an image of a kangaroo basking in the sun to her faceBook page. She cannot find record of it today. The image was probably taken down from the Internet due to copy right issues.

I await the future development of "Internet IMAGE and TEXT policing," and thus the end of fun. Here are some images I found in Google Images, Kangaroos, and a Quokka:

Neki Hokey UPDATE

At Long Last, some Evidence
by Dave Darnell via email  |  Feb 22, 2013  |  Pearland TX

But, like the conclusion to this script, we are still a long way off to discovering the Neki Hokey:
"...  Meanwhile at Headquarters --
'Tracy, just what do you think of these"wild boys" and old George Ozone?'
'Chief, we haven't scratched the surface.' ... "

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mom told me that she and Dad can continue to keep going because of "us kids," and I daresay we kids can keep going because of those parents.  It's been an awesome life so far; never a day passing without pulling from that base of true grit, integrity, Bibilical principles, Southern values, and patriotic courage.  Thanks be to God, Father above for it all, and Mom and Dad.
I'm standing by with Mom while Dave and Dad are at the VA Hospital. It is time for Dad's yearly check up, shots, knee, blood test. and all.

Sitting with Mom just now, she told me that "all she ever wanted was a family to dote over. To dote over each one."

This came at the tail end of she and I talking about "things" as they were, as they are, and how things will be in the future.

She gives us all GREAT reviews.

I am smiling ear to ear.